Caption Competition

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Wiki Caption Competition

How to Play

Look at the photo, and try to produce a fitting title for it, then write it in the space below with your name, so if we ever decide to give a prize, we can find you. Happy captioning!

A new caption competition is imminent - as soon as the Upload function works again! In the meantime, have one final go at the current one!

Current Image

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"If any of you scruffy waster bums so much as look at my car and its decorative shawl, I'll skin you alive with this finger right here" (Proclaimed the mighty Bowden) - L

"Steve had often wondered why his mum was considered someone 'not to be messed with' in the criminal underground" - 18:56, 4 November 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

"Now you've wrapped them round my car, I will demonstrate how to wrap a burette around your head" - Chris

"Is it any wonder that some car insurance companies don't want to insure me when I've got morons like you vandalising my automobile?!" - Heskey

Miss Bowden is unimpressed upon finishing her 20km pink-parachute jump after forgetting to remove the inconveniently placed top-box; thus failing to drop in through the sunroof and make a stylish drive-off exit. Onlooking sixth-formers who were just about to wrap up her car in a similar material look confused and bewildered. - David

After auditing Tom Davies for nearly running him over, Miss Bowden finally realises that she was in the wrong, not him!!! - Unknown

" i swear i wasnt drink driving!" - tom davies ( that was way unfair wen she rnerli ran me over nd gave me an audit. " unknown is a legend

Archive Editions

#4 Mr Reeves and his small drink


The winner...

"Ticket to party: £5. Suit: £50. Bottle of wine: £7. Watching a teacher get drunk: priceless" -

"Wow i must be drunk, Mrs Kennedy is hotter than usual!" - unknown

"This Week on Americas drunkest teachers!" - Kronos 18:25, 29 October 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

"No, no, this isn't mine.. I'm not at a funny angle.. I'm not drunk!!" - Chris

'But in the morning you woke up next to this' -SRN

"The weird thing is, this is actually a Maths lesson..." - Elliot

"Me, the Third Duke of Winchester, working in a 6th Form, with my reputation???" Anon.

"What? I want a little wine with my din dins!" - Heskey

"If this is the standard of BRGS comedy I'll have to start on the hard stuff" Stevens

"No, I'll be needing the whole bottle, Mrs Chapman. This next trick's one that Simon Kroll taught me."

"Hi everybody. I'm 'Simon', and I'm a mathematician." - Glabrata

"I swear, it's blackcurrant..."

The reality of what he had just done with Mrs Gregson had just set in...

#3 Gareth having a nap..


The winner...

"Gareth tried to use the power of thought to morph himself into Mr Ventress" - unknown

"Surrounded by spectres on a school trip. What a horrible dream!" - Glabrata

"Come on Gareth, Mrs Helm's Lessons Aren't That Boring" - Anomaly

"Numa Numa iei! Numa numa, numa iei!" - Heskey

"Gareth feels the effect of the "quick release" zoom lens" Stevens

"Now he is just asking to be poked!"- Anon.

"If you look close enough, theres Gerbils hiding up his nose" - Richard Smith

"Unfortunately it wasn't all a dream" - Durham

"NINJA!" Wez

"Pwnt" - Said student

"Portly student sleeps on coach" - Anon.

"Count the chins"

"Ashworth toys with his opponent by getting him into checkmate whilst asleep!!!! A tactical prodigy, Gareth has been described as Chess' answer to Wayne Rooney." - Alex

"Bear tranquilizor misses target."- Tom Davies

#2 Andrew and Eliot


The winner...

"The largest incentive in human history for people not to walk into the light" - unknown

"I had a dream like this once!!"

"I once had a near death experience. Never again..." - John Holland

"Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones let themselves go before the filming of Men In Black III."- Nick

"Illegal monkey egg smugglers beware." - Gareth

"Low budget chromakeying experiment goes horribly wrong." - 00:08, 5 July 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

"Who removed Gary Lineker?" - AKIF (glad to have the picture changed)

[to random year 7] "I'm pleased to introduce you to your buddies" - Stevens

'And then God said from the light let there emerge fools and there was and he saw that it was good' SRN

"Someone took the new england shoot a little too seriously"

"Andrew, my ears are burning, I think that means they're writing captions about us!"- Dominic

"You don't want to mess with these two, they're Lord Morris's bodyguards, they may not look it but they're well hard- so don't diss" - Jenifa xxx

#1 Janet and Akif


The winner...

"I swear to God, Akif, that'd better be your hand on the back of my head."- Nick

"He looks like that every time (insert fit girl's name here) walks in the room...ah, teenagers in love :P" - Alex

"Wow, have you heard what this girl can do? It's like a real life fart-button!" - (anon.)

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up then I shout. Tip me over and pour me out." -

"Look ma, no hands!" - Elliot

"Good Lord, check this out guys. I swear that's not natural!" - Milord