Eco Schools
Eco-schools is an group, involving both pupils and staff, which aims to improve the school environment. It currently meets on Fridays, 12:45, room 9.
Eco-schools was originally set up by Mr Archer in 2003, although the team didn't start aiming for an award until 2004/5 - when they jumped straight in and received the Silver Award. Usually, the team consists of Sixth Formers, however there are currently several pupils from the lower school also helping out.
Eco-schools aims to improve the quality of the school environment, and tackles many major issues around the school. These issues include:
Healthy Lifestyles
In liason with the school cantine, Eco-schools aims to serve healthier food to the pupils - presumably to reduce obesity. Policies such as "Chip Day" have been implemented, where (low fat) chips are only served once a week. New water fountains have also been introduced, whilst the chocolate vending machines have been replaced by a "healthy snack" machine (which contains Caramel Rice Crispy Squares).
Travel Plan
The travel plan hopes to tackle the issues around transport to and from the school. In paricular, it aims to reduce the number of pupils who arive by (half empty) car, instead promoting car-sharing, cycling or even walking. New bike racks have been introduced in the area at the front of the school, in an attempt to further promote cycling. Teachers such as Mr Jackson, Mr Vass and Mr Haycocks are activly involved with this project, along with students such as Sam McGrail (in year 13), Laura Proctor, and Simon Warren (Left).
School Grounds
The most noticable effect brought about by this faction is the woodland garden, opposite the main entrance. It was started in 2004, but was not completed until mid 2006, when extensive work and maintenance was carried out by Sixth Formers during the Enrichment Week. The completion was celebrated particually by Mr Overend, who bought several bottles of shandy, along with cakes and crisps, upto the garden. Another feature developed by this group is the Pond (real pond, not muddy puddle), situated behind the clark building. This was also completed during the Enrichment Week, and owes much of its existance to Simon Kroll.
Energy and Waste
Instead of pioneering new schemes (for the moment at least), this group aims to reduce enery use around school through the traditional message of "turn off the lights if you're the last to leave the room". This also applies to computers, especially now there is one in almost every classroom. Periodically, team members choose to walk around school, turning off lights in unused class rooms. Waste has been tackled in many ways, most notably through the recycling of paper. Mr Archer, a big believer in minimising waste, also attempts to use as little paper as possible, and as a result, most of his work sheets are A5 - and always double sided!
The Future
No-one knows what the future holds, but expect it to be green. Although at present, only those memebers involved in the Travel Plan are meeting regually, this may change at the start of 2007. Also, many of the group arelooking forward to the arival of the BRGS Eco-school website, currently in development. With the new site, the group will be able to share news and information with the rest of the school, as well as being able to organise meetings more effectivly.