Matthew Hathaway

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Revision as of 09:07, 28 April 2007 by Chris (Talk)

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Matthew Hathaway, one strange fellow indeed, Brother to Adam Hathaway, and is currently ranked number 4 for edits on this wiki, the highest rank for a non moderator. Due to his habit of wearing a cape on non-uniform days and halloween he is reffered to as Capeman by a small group of worshippers whom he frequently tries to get rid of.


  • He Believes he is in fact, a Pirate.
  • He Also Believes he is a Ninja.
  • This Leads us to believe he is also "Chris The Ninja Pirate" from the "Weebl and Bob" Series.


Matthew has attained ninja status with his impressive freehand fighting skills and impressive strength and weight for someone without any great height or bulk, and therefore is seen as a perfect ninja.

Ninja Skills Practised

  • Taijutsu (unarmed combat)
  • Bojutsu (stick and staff fighting)
  • Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods)
  • Intonjutsu (escaping and concealment)


  • "Yar, Har, Fiddly Dee, being a pirate is alright to be! Do what you want cos a pirate is free! You are a pirate!" [1](Sung in strong "pirate" voice)
  • "Screenshot or it didn't happen" (Referring to anything where proof is doubtable, hence needing visual confirmation)
  • "Pissfreezing cold" (The weather)
  • "I'm a dragon!" (Followed by strange noises) - now a discontinued phrase.