BRGS Wiki:Current events

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Revision as of 09:24, 16 February 2007 by Chris (Talk)

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BRGS Wiki Events and Changes

Caption Competition - Appeal

We are now looking for good photos to put on the Caption Competition page! If you have any entertaining photos which could be suitable, please send them along to and we'll make a decision.

Just a couple of notes:

  • Please do not directly upload photos to the Caption Competition page as we need to make sure they are suitable first!
  • They don't necessarily have to be of teachers, but make sure the subject doesn't mind appearing

Chris talk - mod 09:24, 16 February 2007 (UTC)


The wiki has recently started being visited by adbots. If you see any page with adverts on, please tell us on either Moderation Requests or the Community Portal. Also, if you're blocked and the reason is 'adbot'; then your IP address corresponds to one. Try to use a proxy server to get around this.

The Moderators

MySpace and the Wiki

We'd like to point out to all of our users that this isn't for making MySpace-style pages about yourselves or friends, but a fact based website. Unacceptable content involves such things as "personality tests", personal tributes and anything else to that effect. Basically, it needs to be kept in the third person, ("He has done... and likes...), and the use of full English is once again required please!

Examples of what we're looking for include the pages for Heskey, Doc Rob and so on. Please have a good look at these and get some ideas! Of course, there is nothing stopping you from linking to your personal MySpace page from your wiki entry if you want, but bear in mind it will then be viewable to everyone who visits this site!

The Moderators

The New Year

This year, we intend to help the Wiki grow even more, and over the coming weeks we will hopefully be establishing new sections, and listening to requests made in the Wiki Discussion section. If you have any ideas as to how we can grow further, please tell us!

Also, as the new term begins at BRGS, we hope our current users will spread the word about this wiki, but please ensure that any new edits conform to our editing guidelines. We would once again like to emphasise that "txt spk" is instantly deleted, so take your time to write out your entries in full English!

Finally, we hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas holiday and are looking forward to a great 2007!

The Moderators

Traffic in 2006

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Clizard 5th January 2006


The wiki continues to grow with the Main Page passing 10,000 views and the database currently holding 1 articles. However, this increased popularity means that we are now a bigger target for vandals. If you see any vandalism (which includes blanking pages), please at least report who did it on Moderation Requests; even if you revert the vandalism yourself, so that we can judge whether they need a ban. Thank you!

The Moderators

A note on "poking fun"

It is currently our policy that if you add something "poking fun" at someone, we have to view this as a derogatory comment that the person in question would not see the funny side of.

This is unfortunate, but we cannot check up on everyone's sense of humour. To be on the safe side, any comments of this nature will be deleted, or at least edited. Therefore, please ensure your comments cannot be viewed as offensive, even if that is not how they are intended!

Chris mod 16:30, 1 December 2006 (UTC)


We strongly recommend that you create an account if you haven't already done so, as this gives you several more options to play with. It's completely free and takes roughly ten seconds...

Chris, 18 November 2006

"Old news" has been moved to the Archive


Recommended Visits

The Community Portal is a great place to suggest ideas and gauge reaction to your plans.

The editing guidelines should be read before you dive in, as you can get some great tips on how to format your work, and avoid the wrath of the moderators!

If you can think of a way to improve this site, please suggest it in the Wiki Discussion area.

Any requests for moderation of pages can be made in the Moderation Requests section.

The moderators can be contacted in several ways - check here for ways to do this!


All "old" or redundant content is now in the Archive.