Mr Ward

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Mr Ward AKA "Father Christmas" is seen by many of the students and teachers throughout the school as a complete and utter joke. His teaching style is known for being horrendously bad, and his mood unpredictable. However despite this, most of the school are fond of him and his gentle voice - in most peoples' minds giving him a resemblance to a panda. Common rumour is that he lives in the cupboard in Room 96 with Mr Parkinson and the infamous little dinner minion: Yorkshire Terrier.

On Film

Is a big fan of the movie 'Run Lola Run'. Has been known to show year nine classes French monkey cartoons on the curriculum for seven year-olds - allegedly accidentally swapping them for erotica on conor porter.

Ich Habe Hunger

In a class teaching the 97 intake in Year 8, Mr. Ward started to sing a song called "Ich Habe Hunger", halfway through this he collapsed, smacking his head on, and leaving a rather large dent in, a nearby cupboard. This was met with the cry of "Oh my God!, Mr. Wards dead!"

Teaching Style Discussion


Mr Ward's teaching style is like his mood - erratic, unpredictable and of little use to anyone. Lower School lessons usually consist of 'writing a letter' to someone in German or French; or watching a video (usually 'Salut Serge'a French video for Primary School children, or 'Hallo aus Berlin' - a German video with cringe-worthy songs). Other cunning tricks include asking his watch whether it thinks the children should get lots of homework, and tailoring his sentences to the subject of the cover lesson he is taking, e.g. (Geography; volcanoes) "If you don't get on with your work, I'm going to ERUPT with anger." he likes to smack his hand vigourously and shought "NAUGHTY NAUGHTY!!!" also likes to pretend hes skiing around the classroom (faire du ski!) or pretending to ride a horse whilst spanking himself

Loves using the German Bob The Builder video. Seen by 9R 2006/07 AT LEAST 6 times while in Y8. Twice in one lesson once. This video is a very good time waster, and I reccomend to anyone having a dull German lesson with Mr Ward to ask for it. He can't refuse. It's also rather good, and fun to sing along to.


"Contrary to popular belief, I found Herr Ward's teaching style genius! I still remember the "combing ze hair" and the "um de ecke is Boris Becker with his Black and Decker," and my personal favourite: "never say die". He taught us useful travel phrases such as "I have diarrhoea" and had a strange obsession with Meryl Streep to whom we had to write all our letters to!! His most useful teaching style and a credit to my results was mouthing the words to me in my oral exam! How can that be classed as of little use? Class act! Glad to see he is still there twelve years on!" - Anonymous

It is also noted that one of his GCSE students who scored an A then went on, after 2 years of almost no exposure to German language, to get a full 90/90 on an A-Level General Studies German paper. He was also the teacher of the resoundingly successful Nóra Egressy from the same GCSE German set.


like a koala bear: grey and furry!! Like Mr Ventress, Mr Ward typically wears one suit of clothes for the whole year. This usually consists of a plain blue shirt and a South Park tie (though he tie has been known to change to a festive Looney Tunes number around Christmas). His facial hair consumes most of his face, giving him an appearance similar to a bear, Ewok or Father Christmas. However in a recent year 10 German class he did tell them that "Mrs Ward doesn't like my blue shirt. You see I have 2 and she thinks that all the students think that I wear the same one every day." To which the class replied, "Yes everyone does!"

Favourite Students

Like many other teachers, Mr Ward claims that he has no favourite student. Recent studies have come to show however, that Felix Mulderrig and Joe Oliver have managed to steal the big lug's heart in a way that no lion tamer ever could. All it took was a carefully placed muffin and a good load of TLC. Good on those boys.


  • Mr Ward uses a warning system in his classes, for disruptive pupils. In the style of a German football referee:
"Gelber Karte" (Yellow Card)
"Rote Karte" (Red Card)
"Gehe" ([to] Go)
  • "You're NAKED," whenever a student has imperfect uniform, or presumably on the off chance that a student is really naked.
  • "Oh you're a cheeky one"
  • "Didn't you do well."
  • "It's Raining men"
  • "This is NOT a strip club. I'll say again, THIS IS NOT A BLOODY STRIP CLUB!" Whenever someone has taken their blazer off before he enters the room.
  • "Let's have a STOOOORIEEE!!"
  • who wants to win a major cash prize? [usually 2p - 23p]
  • "Come on down" whenever he wants someone to come to the front of the class.
  • "You're good"
  • "du shande!!"
  • "you're a clever one"
  • "Um de ecke mit Boris Becker"

said in a cover lesson yesterday: when being asked about which other teachers he sat with in the staff room.

  • Student: Sir why you allways wear the same tie?

Mr Ward: As it is he only tie i have unless of course you aren't thinking about advent, as at christmas i get festive with a singing christmas tie.

Student: Do you like Mrs Sellens? Mr Ward: Yes, but don't tell Mrs Ward that.

  • (After asking students to guess what the tape would say next and getting it right himself) JA! JA! WINDIG! WINDIG! *runs up and down the room pointing at people who guessed* DUMMKOPF! DUMMKOPF!
  • Come on down!(In a cheesy game show voice)


Dr. Fashion