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Line 65: Line 65:
*The theft of [[Simon Warren|Simon]]'s camera - found in a kettle.
*The theft of [[Simon Warren|Simon]]'s camera - found in a kettle.
*The theft of [[Heskey]]'s Strongbow - found with the empties.
*The theft of [[Heskey]]'s Strongbow - found with the empties.
*The theft of [[Simon Warren|Simon]]'s right trainer - found on the roof.
*The theft of Simon's right trainer - found on the roof.
*The loss of [[Heskey]] - found under the computer desk.
*The loss of Heskey - found under the computer desk.
*The do-ins scared out of him by [[Chris]] flashing - he was not the same for some time after.
*The do-ins scared out of Heskey by [[Chris]] flashing - he was not the same for some time after.
*Staying up to watch the sun rise.
*Staying up to watch the sun rise.

Revision as of 16:35, 12 October 2006


He started his life in Burnley General Hospital on 11th December 1988. He then returned home to Bacup where he began residence in a small terraced house in which he lived for around 8 years. During this time he attended primary school at St. Saviours Primary School in Bacup. He later moved house about 100 metres across the road to his current residence.

After failing his 11+ he suffered travelling to Haslingden High School every day for 5 years. It was here that he met Chris (which is now widely regarded as a bad move). Despite the traditonal Race Wars and bullying he pulled through with respectable grades and made a none too firm descision to continue studying for A-level at BRGS Sixth Form. This has shown to be a good move.


Through Lower Sixth, Samuel studied Physics, English Combined, Art, Critical Thinking and Maths, enjoying the majority of his lessons, though despising the majority of his maths lessons.

This was reflected in his AS-level results, gaining C in Physics, D's in English and Art and U's in Maths and Critical Thinking. He was very proud with his maths result at having done so amazingly badly.

He then firmly decided Maths was a bad idea and gave up on the subject entirely and vowed never to study it again. He continued into A-level with his 3 remaining subjects along with gaining General Studies.

He is now having a much better time.

He is still a part of form CH, although much more time is spent residing in the Lower Common Room around the CD player and also especially with his girlfriend Kirsty Horbaczewskyj.

He generally insists on playing loud and/or heavy music on a daily basis, though sometimes he listens to more mellow music. It must be said that Samuel is a very reasonable fellow who will listen to people who wish to tell him about his taste in music and he will gladly accept other music. He is often seen larking around with Chris and other friends but he is also fairly quiet if nothing much is happening around him. He is a very fine person to talk to and will hold things in dearest confidence if they are so wished.

Samuel never appears to get stressed, this is because he has a very high tolerance level. If you want to get angry with him, he generally won't care or give you a second glance, but if you talk to him in a civilised mannor, he is certainly more willing to hear it.

He loves to draw things, including his famous copyrighted Baked Beans. He also draws stick people, castles, fish, and bubbles. He is not shamed to say that he is good at Art from how many people have told him so. All he can say is that he tries his best. Samuel is also the proud owner of a caricature on the poster wall, the only one with a removable t-shirt and he is the reason for the Narnia drawing behind the locker door in the Lower Common Room.


Over the past few years, his taste in music has gone from a very general liking of almost everything, he now has a more defined approach to what he prefers. This tends to be heavy music, that some would say has either a) no tune, b) no discernible lyrics c) both of these, or is just too plain heavy. But he does like other sort of music as well.

A general list being:

  • In Flames
  • Chimaira
  • Led Zeppelin
  • Disturbed
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Deathstars
  • Linkin Park
  • Santana
  • System of a Down
  • Rammstein

There are a great many other types, but those are Samuel's main ones. It is fair to say that the list mainly shows only heavy music, this is only because that is what he usually listens to.

Other bands/artists in his collection include:

  • Prodigy
  • Editors
  • Moby
  • Gorillaz
  • Evanescence
  • T.a.t.u
  • Green Day

Admittedly, some of these are not liked by some other people.

Sam's House

This is one of the strange things that has happened to many people over the years. Samuel's house has become increasingly popular a) with people simply visiting, b) people coming to parties, and/or c) people staying over.

Points a) and b) are even more popular with gatherings taking place on an average of 1 every 4 months or so.

The last of these resulting in:

  • The theft of Simon's camera - found in a kettle.
  • The theft of Heskey's Strongbow - found with the empties.
  • The theft of Simon's right trainer - found on the roof.
  • The loss of Heskey - found under the computer desk.
  • The do-ins scared out of Heskey by Chris flashing - he was not the same for some time after.
  • Staying up to watch the sun rise.


Milord Walton