Dave Elmer

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Teacher of Technology

Mr Elmer, "Head of Technology" until 2005. He single handedly ran the Electronics Department, and had the job of bossing Mr Fitton and Mr Gray around. Considered one of the best electronics teachers in the region, if not the country, Mr Elmer had a unique approach to teaching: if you didn't want to learn, he didn't teach you. Admittedly, this meant that his sets often got a lower grade average than they could have, but he really didn't care.

Abuse Policy

Do you want to twiddle one?

Another of Mr Elmer's unique policies was the "Whatever you do to my workshop, I'll do to you!" promise. Simply put, if you nailed something into a bench, you'd get something nailed into you. Needless to say, Room 61 was one of the cleanest rooms in the school.

However, this brought rise to an interesting question, namely, "What would happen if I was to twiddle one of the knobs on the equipment?" However, no-one dared to find out.


Guitar. As soon as you saw an amp on the stage, you knew you were in for a fun assembly. Sure, he couldn't sing, but who cares? He got the point across, and that's all that really matters.

Elmer Canine

Mr Elmer used to bring his dog to school with him. A large yet friendly beast, it is rumoured that this custom was forced to a close by the dog's unfortunate eating of Mrs Blow. The dog fell ill for a few days, and after regurgitating said Spanish teacher had to take early retirement from the world of education. He did make a reappearance in an assembly, to critical acclaim.


In September 2005, BRGS students returned after the Summer Holiday, only to find that the Tech Department's most valuable asset wasn't there. This made a lot of people very unhappy, and was widely regarded by students (past and present) as a travesty. A year on, there is still no clear answer as to why he has never returned, and no clear successor. It seems increasingly likely that he was pressured into retirement. The low GCSE grades and the treasonous crime of making the school look bad are suspected to be prominent in the decision.


"Mr Elmer will be remembered by those who were taught by him and knew him as one of their greatest teachers. We wish him happiness wherever he is now, and whatever he is doing."

"Whoever ditched Elmer made a grave mistake dropping one of the best teachers in the school"