Mr Spencer
He is short, and many say that he looks like the BRGS squirrel Mascot, Maurice. (Unfortunately incorrect. He actually is said to resemble a chipmunk. Close, though.)
Head of Geography
Arguably by default (Mrs Helm is head of CT, Doc Rob and Doc Ed are deputy heads, and Mrs Young is a Head of Year), Mr Spencer is continuing in the same tree-hating way as Mrs Helm by giving an average of 3.4 photocopied sheets per lesson..
- "Right, so" *clap*
- "Does that make sense?"
- "I'll wait"
- "The hills are hummocky"
- (in funny voices) "Big Clint, Little Gryke!"
- (While Melissa Hall has her leg trapped in a gryke on a Geography excursion) "Ooh ooh! This'll make a good one! (takes Photograph) He he!"
(so predictable that two - extreeemely cool -members of 7S of 2002-03 could mime along)"good mornin evreybody, sit yourselves down") <-- as is the case for all teachers ¬_¬
On Teapots
Was, during his student days at BRGS, made to stand on his chair and sing "I'm a Little Teapot" by a certain teacher who was (and possibly is) still working at the infamous grammar-school-on-a-hill. Congratulations to the genius who came up with that punishment.