Forgotten a Homework

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Revision as of 22:04, 14 December 2009 by Camponhoyle (Talk)

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Before the year 2009-2010 what happened to you if you forrgott a homework varied from teacher to teacher and subject to subject.


Worst subject and Teacher - Art and Mrs Hollick with instant Lunchtime detention

Best subject and Teacher - English and ?????

2008 - 2009

With the demise of Mrs Hollick art became much nicer.

Worst subject and teacher - French and Miss Wilkes with at most 1 warning or an instant detention

Best subject and teacher - IT and Mr Parkinson Because he will hardly ever check and will believe the lamest excuse.


Because of the Behaviour for learning policy there is a standard punishment.

Best teacher - Mr Jones - he never dishes out penalty points unless you forget about 8 times.