Eve White

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Form: 8n

Has a friend called Rebecca Dawson and they are Ear Buddies. They are also obsessed with Sam Cross (Eve says: I am NOT obsessed with Sam! I didn't even know his last name until Friday!)

Hates: Ronald the magic dinosaur, sweetcorn, mushy pees, rabbits and maths.

Loves: Joe Holdsworth-Miller, fast rides, the word discombobulated, the letter Q, Ducks and the lion king

Age: 12

Birthday: 26th june

Form Tutor: Mr Parkinson

Is scared by: Mrs Fowler-Gibbs, attack of the vampire ducks and Rebecca.

A co-creator of The protein shakes game

Has Beautiful hair

Is on a quest to find all the pervy pages made about Joseph by people in 8R: Secret Page On Joseph H-M and trying to pursuade Mrs Mansfeild to go to a rave.


(On a Tuesday)"Have we got any lessons today?"


"Right, I'm going to stop following you now; I live in the opposite direction."

"The computer logged me off, wait... no... I'm on the wrong computer."

"Is the vending machine meant to say "innit"?

"That guy really looks like Matthew, wait... it IS Matthew!"

(While someone was reading one of her stories out loud)"And what happened next?- Oh wait I wrote it!"

"Get back over here and crtisise me, you little git!"


"I AM spiderman" (hands them a peice of string)

"Do you think they'll notice it's broken?" (looks at the massive hole)

"You know how you're my bestest friend ever..." (then asks for something or confesses something that will make the person she's talking to mad)

"Can I copy your science, I'll give you... Becca's pen!" (Becca steals her pen back) "Er... fine I'll steal your pen- and you can have it back when I have copied your work."

"Please... I'll dedicate my first book to you."

Eve: "What's 2 times 2?"

Becca: "4"

Eve: "No, that's 2 plus 2"

"Die Ronald die!"

"Noooooo, not French"

"Do we have to go to (insert lesson here) can we not just stay in the form room for the rest of the day- we can practise being year 10's!"

someone: "Did you break my (insert object here)

Eve: no

someone: yes you did

Eve: alright I did, but I only did it a little bit on purpose"

Eve: Can I copy your maths?

Sophie: "No"

Eve: "Please"

Sophie: *No"

Eve: "Pretty please"

Sophie: "No"

Eve: "Pretty please with sugar on top"

Sophie: "No"

Eve: "Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top"

Sophie: "N0"

Eve: "Oh, stuff you. Emma..."

Stuff + room 89 + windows = not good

When certain people in 8N get near a window they just can't resist throwing things out of it. These things vary from sanitry towels to christmas decorations. Then those people have a habit of running off and leaving other (innocent) people to take the blame. This is a often recurrence. But the inocent people are so nice that they don't grass the not-so-innocent-people but if they do it again then they WILL get grassed up.


Christmas Eve


Eviebobs (if you're reading this rebecca please stop calling me that)

Brace face (some people are really horrible)

Camel (her family have started calling her a camel because she goes for large amounts of time without drinking anything, but when she does drink, she drinks a lot)

Strange things she's done

Holds the record (along with Joseph) of drinking the most "protein" shake in Paris. Never wants to do it again, EVER!

Once ate everybodys fruit peel for a bet. Never wants to do that again either.

Has admitted to playing 7 minutes in heaven while on a school trip.

Stood on one leg for 6 hours, then realised nobody was watching.

Fell off her chair, and it took her 5 minutes to do it

Passed out on space mountain, and NOBODY noticed. This was partly due to fear, but mainly due to the fact that the retarded ride made her head smack against the seat.

Fell over a Safety rail and broke 2 bones in the same arm.

Lived in Ireland for about 7 months then came back to England and rejoined her old primary school as if she'd never been away.

Lay in a foot deep puddle to practise her swimming

Took half an hour to remember the names of everyone in her form- the last 25 minutes were spent trying to get the 30th person, then she realised she'd missed herself off the list.

We NEVER get away with ANYTHING

Some unnamed people in my form, break the CEILING in our form room, and they don't even get shouted at, ot locked out or anything! Then we (me and Rebecca) throw a few books out the window and we get a 10 minute lecture. Our fate was in the hands of the dinner ladies - we apparently should've been in someones office!! Now if ANYTHING goes wrong we are always automatically blamed. It's SOOO not fair. (Owain: serves you right)