Joe Holdsworth-Miller

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Name: JOSEPH Holdsworth-Miller aka ShinyPsyduck's ARE GAY
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Form: 8R

Age:12 Loves: Eve White,REBECCA.D, Chocolate, Shiny Psyducks!, Chips, Sweets, Pizza, Dots, Polar Bears, Cats, Rats, Mr.Vincent and Wolves

Dislikes: Mrs Vincent, PE, the name Joseph Holdsworth-Miller

The 'Micky Mouse Incident'

On his year 7 trip to paris Joseph managed at disneyland to pee himself because he saw Micky Mouse this scared Joseph terribly

Protein Drinks

If Eve or Rebecca ever offer you a protein drink run for cover. Last time I tried one it contained coke, ketchup, salad cream, chips, fanta, milk, chicken nugget, strawberry smoothie, sour cream, salt, pepper, apple flavoured water and other items from fast food places. It was the most revolting thing i have ever tasted. Rebecca Says: You Should Have Checked If It Was Actually Coke Before You Drank It! Eve says: He knew what it was, we were playing the the protein shakes game. Rebecca says: He didn't know we were - we just offered him a drink, said it was coke and he drank it.

25 Interesting Facts About Joseph

1 Has a chocolate milkshake with every school meal

2 Friends include Bobby Thompson, Owain Dawson, Aaron Barlow and Saim Ahmed

3 Is immune to pain... most of the time... (recent studies have proved that his weak spot is his waist. He hates being buzzed, and is likely to fall over. More testing required.)If he gets his hair caught on something he screams very loudly and very high pitchly proving his weak spots r his waist, his hair and his cheeks.

4 Has an innocent mind. Ish (thanks to the help of Aaron Barlow). (Aaron you started turning him sick, Eve finished it)

5 Is often seen with wet trousers - origins unknown (he claims water bottle)

6 Has extremely easy to guess passwords such as his name, his nickname, his other nickname, 123abc (his most complicated password yet), fred, qwerty, asdfghjkl (the middle line on your keyboard) and other passwords so obvious that there is no point in writing them down. (current: unknown)←joseph says haha. Its Lemming, well his home one is.

7 Is a chocoholic

8 Has a peculiar fasination with dots whilst typing... yeah he wrote this...

9 Is known to have girly hair and even girlier eyes.(he has admitted to this)

10 Now likes cats after a eight month old stray came into his house. His family called it Kitty(the most original name ever)(now called skittles)

11 Hates the name Joe

12 Likes to get his own back on Bobby. He just ends up getting hurt, though.

13 Perhaps wants to play 7 minutes in heaven with one person (Eve).

14 Loves the names JoHoMi and Joron... Which many regard as disturbing

15 Eats more chocolate than anybody else - yet he never, ever puts on any weight...

16 Chews like a horse

17 Has a plot for everybody in the class to suddenly get mysterious stomach cramps at the start of an R.S. lesson to waste time. It is strongly recommended that you try this, it can save you a lot of boredom.

18 If you wet his hair and scruff it up, he looks like Beethoven or Einstein. He has enough hair to make a ponytail.

19 Has been widely regarded as being dim in the extreme.

20 Has "removable foots" (not a typo) as he remarked on PE lesson

21 Has a monobrow like Mr Hoyle

22 Has a mustache

23 Is going out with Eve White in 8n.

24 Cannot lie to save his life

25 Steals people's 5ps in his spare time (well thats what he claims he does)

Interesting Places Visited By Joseph

Has been put in lots of bins and other exciting places such as:

  • The bin in room 23
  • The cupboard in room 64
  • The bin in room 64
  • The bin in S3 (VOLUNTARILY!)
  • Behind the computer in S3
  • Bottom of the cupboard in S3
  • Stuck behind room 89's door with only a German dictionary for company
  • In the skip outside the Newchurch block
  • In the bin in rm 89


  • What?
  • Whuh?
  • What was that?
  • Who?
  • What did you say?
  • Unh?
  • So what are we doing?
  • What did the teacher tell us to do again?
  • What am i supposed to be doing again?
  • Shiny Psyducks!
  • Yay!
  • No Yay!
  • shouts out form room window 'Puffs!'
  • "Izzy fancies Bobby" (joseph is slapped by Izzy) a few seconds later "Izzy fancies Bobby" (repeat process)
  • (Jumps in bin in S3) WOOOOHOOOO! (1 minute passes) I'm stuck...
  • This IS a healthy meal! (said after eating a piece of chocolate fudge cake, a chocolate cookie, 3 pots of cream and a chocolate milkshake one lunch)
  • I don't kick like a girl!
  • Score! (Whenever he thinks he's done something right)
  • (imitation of Saim said in posh accent) Boger off my estate please (Saim sent him a text with bugger spelt boger)
  • Saim: Let me see your work joseph.
  • Joseph: No (Shields work)
  • Saim: I just want to check my answers.
  • Joseph: For the last time go away!
  • Saim: Just let me check them.
  • Joseph: BUGGER OFF!
  • Rebecca / Saim: Have You Kissed Eve Yet??
  • Yes
  • Rebecca / Saim: Have You Kissed Eve Yet??
  • Yes it was great
  • Rebecca / Saim: Have You Kissed Eve Yet??
  • Rebecca / Saim: Have You Kissed Eve Yet??
  • I've told you YES! But if you want to hear something really interesting let me tell you what happened on the...Coffee table!
  • Evie, stop being gayist!

Joseph's Rather Bizarre take on life

Yay I can now right in first person, its so exciting! Now on to what i think about my friends- in one sentence each!

  • Owain- The penguin obssesssed evil doer. 5 words. (2 sentences)
  • Bobby- Hmmmmmm Hard one how about a funny weird knowitall.
  • Saim- Small and annoying. Only 3 words to counter balance bobbys long one). (2 sentences again)
  • (Kieran- see above (Saims)
  • Aaron- Evil and bunny liking.
  • Callan- Chair wielder (who always is nasty to me but I can't accept it).
  • Michael- Female.
  • Eve- A massive Shiny Psyduck that has an IQ of 2.
  • Shiny Psyduck- A being that came next to me in my sleep, telling me to worship it as my God and to talk about it every day.