BRGS Wiki:Current events

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Revision as of 15:57, 1 December 2006 by Chris (Talk)

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BRGS Wiki Events and Changes

November Report

November has been a busy month for the wiki. It was migrated to from, with a few relatively minor hiccups and one major one. Most have been resolved, however image uploads will be fixed shortly (as this requires more time), as well as user permission fine-tuning. Search engines have picked up the new site (Google, Yahoo et al) on searching for “brgs wiki”, which is a step in the right direction. The move was to increase speed during evenings and to have a proper domain, which I believe has been successful.

Traffic has been comparable to October, though my impression is that fewer new people have visited than then. It has also picked up in the second half of the month, indicating a possible upwards trend through into December. The wiki was also offline for quite lengthy periods during the middle of the month, which certainly has contributed to the less-than-exponential growth this month (although growth will be more steady in future). You can review the full statistics at

In terms of moderation, there has been concern at the decline in quality of articles, with mainly the addition of student pages which add somewhat of a 'fun factor' to the site. These however are very open to malicious edits, which can be 'upsetting' towards students. Measures have recently been taken to remove offending pages and to ensure that this happens as little as possible in the future.

Thanks for everyone's contributions and support, and enjoy the festive season.

Clizard 1st December 2006


Following a complaint, a massive "purge" has taken place on this site. We think that the majority of insulting comments have been removed, but if we have missed one please TELL US.

EDIT: Furthermore, DO NOT think that using the school IPs makes you harder to block and thus allowed to vandalise - it doesn't, as you will soon see.

Chris mod 10:31, 30 November 2006 (UTC)

Updated Pages

Several pages have been updated by Chris: this page, HowToEdit and the community portal have been changed and/or cleared out. Please take the time to read the new guidelines on the wiki. These sorts of "dynamic" pages now also have archives attached to them - go to the page concerned for a link.

We have also created a new page at Moderation Requests for normal users to request moderation services and to report vandalism.

Finally, we encourage all users to get an account! This has several benefits attached to it; and also means you can take credit for any contributions under that name.

Jonny talkmod 22:33, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

Policy on Banning

Due to a small amount of "vandalism" a new policy on bans has been introduced. Please read this so that it is clear what's acceptable and what doesn't!

Also, to emphasise a point, if you make a mistake and something "weird" happens, please tell us by writing a note in the Community Portal. Accidents happen, and we won't mind if you tell us if and when you mess up!

Chris mod 15:34, 29 November 2006 (UTC)

Updates on Uploads

It appears that uploads will not be working again until mid-December. Watch this space.

Chris mod 18:19, 28 November 2006 (UTC)


A new legends area has been developed. It is now divided into three categories - Teachers, Students, and "Other". If you would like to nominate someone for "legend" status, please discuss it in the community portal if you want to gauge reaction to your plan.

Chris, 23 November 2006


We strongly recommend that you create an account if you haven't already done so, as this gives you several more options to play with. It's completely free and takes roughly ten seconds...

Chris, 18 November 2006

"Old news" has been moved to the Archive


Recommended Visits

The Community Portal is a great place to suggest ideas and gauge reaction to your plans.

The editing guidelines should be read before you dive in, as you can get some great tips on how to format your work, and avoid the wrath of the moderators!

If you can think of a way to improve this site, please suggest it in the Wiki Discussion area.

Any requests for moderation of pages can be made in the Moderation Requests section.

The moderators can be contacted in several ways - check here for ways to do this!


All "old" or redundant content is now in the Archive.