Tom Hope

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Tom is in 09S. He likes to play touch. Yet recently he has been known less likely to play and complains about the unfair, self contradicting rules of touch.

Instrument Scheme

Tom Hope plays the clarinet and is being monitored by his music teacher on account that he already plays the clarinet well. When touch was made by him he kept saying it was his best invention ever. He now thinks it has been ruined, and that that zombie touch is a steal of manhunt. He despises everything and anything to do with it. He is very well spoken! He also likes to sing, which was recently shown in Germany, 2010, when he got up in front of 50 people to sing 'Bad Day' and dance (not the chipmunk version, but the original).



  • (To Saffron when she is Laughing) "You seem to find something entertaining."
  • (To Alan) "(Sigh), sometimes you are an idiot."
  • "DJ COWMAN!"
  • (Most repeated quote EVER, 2nd from Mr Ventress's "Are you comin' to da party?") "Hello there, how are you this fine day?" (Even on bad days)
  • "SNAG!!!!"

Some say he adapted his strange posh accent off Mr Ventress.

Runescape addiction

Tom hope is one of the people whose lives have been taken over by the online MMORPG Runescape. He will even admit he plays it too much, and he used a bonus Xp weekend for a homework excuse and got away with it... Some people think he needs to go to Rehab. He spends MOST of his free time on the game... It's quite sad. He once came in depressed that he blew 2MILLION Gp on junk and made 0 profit. Enough said. ADDICT!

Most other addicts who are his friends are now of the game like Alan Doherty or don't play it as much like Alex Chudoba!


Tom HATES Saffron!


  • Archibald
  • Archie