Alan Doherty
[hide]Alan Doherty is in 09S. He likes to play touch.
Instrument Scheme
I play the acoustic guitar and my favourite game is Garry's Mod.
Runescape Addiction
I used to play runescape, but I got a bit too addicted to it... I decided to move on to Garry's Mod, a game 10x better than runescape.
Alan Doherty's friends are:
Programming Languages
PHP (Great Knowledge)
LUA (Great Knowledge)
Visual Basic (Medium Knowledge)
Visual C# (Greatest Knowledge)
Visual C++ (Minor Knowledge)
GameScript 2.0 (Minor Knowledge)
How I learnt so much about computers
Easy, I just messed about with them for quite a long time. From the day I got a computer I had already started messing around. I eventually learnt VB6 by myself, my parents then bought me quite a few books on Microsoft and Programming Languages extending my knowledge ever further.
I freqeuntly visit Electronics Club along with spending many lunch's in the Tech rooms, 38 & 37.
My Major Contributions
- The community template here.
- The stub article template here.
- My Category system, learn how to use it here.
- My Warning box, learn how to use it here.
- My needs work template here.
- My 'article is a mess' template here.
- My more colourful and dynamic welcome template here.
- My article template here.
- My wiki tutorials here.
Click here for the full list.