Lesley Davidson

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Born in Malawi, Lesley has lived in both England and Africa many times. She first appeared at BRGS in 2005 when she joined the 6th Form, after taking her GCSEs at St Hilda's. During her time at BRGS, she studied English Literature, Graphics, General Studies and History at A-level, as well as ASs in Law, Music and Critical Thinking.

Placed in Mr Chadwick's form in year 12, she made friends with Kirsty Horbaczewskyj, Simon Warren and Jacki Abbott, and was later absorbed into their friendship groups. In Year 13, after Mr Chadwick left and his form became separated, she found herself sharing a form with Claire Taylor, Christopher Haworth and Laura Proctor. After leaving BRGS, she hopes to study at either Sheffield or Keele university.


  • "If you were a piece of ham..."
  • "There's a hole in the wall, what if there's a shark in it!"
  • "hmmmmm.. Francis"

When asked to repeat a comment:

  • "I forget"
  • "I said.. you're beautiful"

  • Heskey (about Lesley's mother): "So, is she a typical African woman then?" (Thinking Jamaican, not African)
  • Lesley: "What, starving and dying of AIDS?"
  • Heskey (suddenly realising the controversialness of it all): "NoooOOOOOO!!!!" *Waves arms and shakes head madly*