BRGS Wiki:Community Portal

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Revision as of 02:58, 12 November 2006 by Clizard (Talk) (czu2bwo)

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Contacting the Moderators

Want to request something? Make a suggestion? Want to know why a page was deleted? Either e-mail us or add your comment underneath this:

  • (add comments here)
  • (and here)
  • (etc etc)

To Do List

  • ATTENTION! Mrs Greaves' section in the retired teachers department needs some serious expansion before we forget any of the great stories connected with the mother of all language teachers. Any assistance much appreciated.
  • Where is the page on Mrs Hughes??!! There should be a huge section on her quotes, like 'My knobs a bit stiff' from Tuesday

General Discussion

Do we need a policy whereby if people object to their pages they are taken down? /Discuss.

  • "I think we should have a few Moderators who check in the to be deleted category if the pages are useful or if they create too much turmoil" -- Kronos
  • We already do that, so don't worry, any pointless and offensive pages are removed a swiftly as we can!
The Category:Pages to be deleted page needs looking at - there are several pages in there! 10:22, 26 October 2006 (GMT Standard Time)


  • "I Have Requested for the 10G Section to be deleted in its entirety, as it creates too much trouble within the form itself, i would advise that if the same applies in other lower years, it is simply because of immaturity, and they should be deleted as well, but, it might just be 10G, as the other forms may not be so childish" -- Kronos


Stop being elitist about your preferred common room! But the upper one's better! There's nothing wrong with a bit of rivalry. Is there an article on the rivalry yet, or indeed on the new one?