Pin-Pool is a game played at BRGS.
[hide]The Basics
The game uses the standard pool/snooker table and related equipment (cues, chalk, balls, triangle, rest, cue extensions, waistcoat, ginger toupe, etc) in addition to six bottles of unopened liquid. It is advised that a bayonet is kept on site. The liquid contained must be declared at the start of the game and may not be drunk before it is finished. Each of the two participating players select three bottles and place them on the table*. The game otherwise proceeds in a manner similar to standard eight ball pool**.
*No more than 5 pockets may be obscured in this manner. **Using British rules
Additional Rules
1) If one or more of the bottles are ruptured/spilt, the player causing the incident must provide a replacement bottle filled with their own blood. Blood may be acquired only by cuts inflicted with a cue or an official bayonet attached to one. Concessions are also accepted.
2) Pin-pool may not be played in a submarine.
3) In normal pool, taking a shot whilst blindfolded is considered mild misconduct, it is, however, encouraged in Pin-Pool.
4) If there is a ginger welsh man in the room wielding a claymore, he may declare the game "an insult to me mother an' all 'er sheep". If this happens, the game goes to sudden death where the shoes of the two players are glued to the floor. If in a national qualifier or above level game, the players are instead glued to a moving escalator which must be set to rotate around the table at 14 mph.
5) Bearded players may not breed bees in their beards during the game.
6) Clean-shaven players may not use the cues in the manner of lemons and may not wear any clothing or jewellery depicting lemons whilst participating. Offenders will be disqualified for attempting to breach non-emo policy.
In the Zero Gravity version of Pin-pool all bottles on the table are emptied and the following additional ruling is implemented:
If a bottle is knocked off the table, the player who caused this incident skips his or her next turn. If played on a snooker table, instead the opponent of that player may choose a ball that has been 'potted' and return it to the field on the point where the black is set at the beginning of the game.
Rumours exist that there is a thread hidden in a forum containing pictures of the first three games of pin-pool ever played!