Martin Coggin

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Martin Coggin, the man of many names and not so many shirts, has been in the brgs breeding machine for 7 years and is soon to be making his exit to pursue a career in the workplace(this soon to be disclosed). He is most often found in the upper common room helping himself to a game of pool or a quick game of the classic that is SLAM. He is currently undertaking A-levels in Media Studies, English literature and Psychology, in the hope of writing and producing a film on a psycho. Many a time Colin aka Martin is found acting the metaphorical goat, his many anctics have included himself utilising a spare trolley from the CO-OP in Waterfoot, managing to perch himself in the trolley and being taken into the upper-common room with out his cheeks ever leaving the aluminium base. On a cold January dinner time, Martin and the rest of the Waterfoot Luncheon society, utilised a long piece of fishing wire with great effect, by attempting to steal a packet of Malteasers from the Coca-Cola shop. He also finds pleasure in creating a huge gash in his hand whilst handling beer bottles. An infamous nite in the class of 2007 history was Mica o'Hara's 18th party, Coggin arriving fashionably late (nothing else was to be expected) with the beer having been flowing for some considerable time, Colin took it upon himself to 'catch up' to everybody elses alcohol levels. However this is where Coggin's mis-judgement caught him out greatly, Coggin downed half a bottle of vodka in record time and as a result found himself licking Micas's nicely block paved patio. As a result of Coggins paraletic state, a group of mischievest lads abused martin's position with some fun and games. The ringleader of the rebellious bunch was a certain Matthew Riley who took great pride in kneeing Coggin 18 times in his meat and two veg. His parents were quickly contacted and Martin retired to his Weir home.

From this event Colin has learned from his mistakes, and no such behaviour has occurred since, a great example to all you binge drinkers out there, you can be rehabilitated, just contact Martin for his advice.

Coggin also has a huge crush on any games originating from a public house background, such as pool, snooker and Cogster's favourite darts. He comments that he plays every night for hours on end, just in case he may one time hit the greatly desired ONNNNNNNNNNNE HHHHHHUUUUUUUNNDREEED AND EIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHTY!

Martin is also acknowledged with having a fettish for clothing of an autumn colour, rumour is that any clothing of a colour other than browns, greens and greys has a damaging affect on Coggins skin complexion, baring this in mind Coggin plays it safe with his comfortable colours more often than not.

As you may have noticed there has been many names used for Martin Coggin, it is now becoming a game to produce alias names for Martin to fuel the upper 6th students comical appetite. Such adaptations include: Geoff, Geoff Bitch, Colin Coggin, Coggmeister, Cogmeister General, Cognoscenti, Colpack, Marty, Coggles, Cognob, Coogey Nuts, Chunky Nuts, Cogsy Wogsy, Cogdog .....