Mrs Taylor

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Revision as of 13:13, 7 February 2007 by Tar7arus (Talk) (additions, punctuation changes)

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Undoubtedly the "mother" of the school. No Teacher in the entire school could be quite as nice as Mrs Taylor, used to keep a tin of biscuits in her room, if the tin is still there is unknown, used to be the local drug dealer of Paracetamol, but now that the school sent out the forms, the nurse can distribute them, Mrs Taylor is out of the job.

Also keeps a few spare ties for anyone who didn't have their own for some strange misguided reason, apparantly the head of years should also have them, but most, don't, more often than not, neither does Mrs Taylor, but there should be a new batch on its way, by snail-mail, but she plans to implement a way to transfer ties and the notoriously long "Granny Skirts" (her words) by e-mail as soon as Mr. Morris is granted planning permission for a particle accelerator and synthesiser - the next project after the New Sixth form room.

Still manages to run many an assembly, with an assembly a day calendar - the school will never go without one. Thats a shame.