Mrs Blow

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A small and relativly unknown teacher, who has been known to hide student's P.E. kits outside under emergency fire stairs, because said students leave their kits in their form-rooms. Would be the worst french teacher except for the fact that nobody likes any of them. Her waterbottle is rumoured to actually contain vodka or smoe other transparent strong alcohol, but unfortunately this has still to be proven.

She likes to think it is her buisness to tell people which descision are right and wrong in their school and personal lives. Also has been known to lecture people on the boy whos arm they are 'hanging off' at that point in time and whether or not is it appropriate to be hanging off any boys arms especially older ones.

She once gave a class of year 8's detention and three hours of homework because they failed to report that their teacher was late by 15 minutes.

She also gave a year 9 pupil headmaster's detention for chasing somebody with a water bottle. A water bottle that wasn't even open.

Recently confiscated a rather large elastic band chain for no reason what so ever. Nevermind the fact that the day before Mr Morris and various other teachers had watched the madness without a care. Mr Williamson was actively encouraging the skippers to stretch it further.