Miss Walsh

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Revision as of 16:07, 11 March 2010 by Pammywalsh (Talk)

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Miss Walsh is an accounting teacher originating from Ireland. She is a big fan of Guinness and Manchester United. She tends to fight her battles in aid of the accounting world from room 57, but she does have a sweet spot for room 85 and tends to venture there once a week. She also has the pleasure of 8G being her 1st form.

As well as being an outstanding accounting teacher she also teaches General Studies at the highest level. Some would say that she has sculpted the subject in to make it what it is today.

Contact details

Miss Walsh (Pammy to her mates (not pupils though, that would be unprofessional)) has both Facebook and Bebo.

Mysterious Second Job

It was a mild Wednesday afternoon when Messrs Jake Holland and Samuel Atkin discovered that Miss Walsh is living a double life. She could neither confirm nor deny what this job was. But rumour has it that she is involved in a prohibited industry. Other speculation includes Milkman,Security Guard, and the Assistant Manager's job at Hereford United.


It was recently revealed that Miss Walsh was single handedly behind the demise of both Woolworths and Arthur Andersen.

Really Irish?

Miss Walsh has said she doesn't believe in leprechauns and she has the FAKEST irish accent ever!!! This has not been found out...

Famous Quote

  • "Now turn to page turty-tree and stay quiet!"