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Revision as of 22:23, 30 August 2006 by Edd Marston (Talk)

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This at first glance appears to be a boring subject and certainly it's teacher does nothing to dispell this myth. Mr R Jackson is the sole teacher for this subject which can be a disadvantage as there is no escape if you dont do his homework! He appears to hate his AS Economics sets and his Business Studies sets. Basically if you don't like Mr J then economics probably isn't worth persuing.

However it's the only subject where I have been allowed to freely eat and dink during leson time and turning up 15mins late isn't a serious offence. Also many lessons finish with at least 10mins before the bell allowing students to refuel at the canteen without the ques or get a quick game of pool in between lessons. If coursework deadlines are looming in other subjects its almost the only subject where you can freely skip a couple of lessons and still be marked as present!!