User talk:BRGSMan

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The Archive: User talk:BRGSMan/archive

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Main Page Beta


I've been working on my own version of the main page, and I'm happy to say that it's ready for inspection! I've tried to make it curved and modern, and slightly more minimalistic than the current main page.

Please can you take a look at it and pass me on your comments and suggestions? Of course, if you prefer the current main page, then please tell me... I won't be too offended! ;-)

It can be found here.


1885 ProjectsTalk PageSuggestionsUser PageFeedback

Thanks for your previous comments - I've removed the navigation bar and reinstated the old box, except made it more rounded and in-keeping with the rest

of the design. I've also changed the students/staff box border to gold to match the school's colours. Is it any better? Thanks for your comments - I appreciate them! 1885 ProjectsTalk PageSuggestionsUser PageFeedback

I've made the gold box blue - enjoy! Off to fix my Shuttle PC's dead hard drive now :-( 1885 ProjectsTalk PageSuggestionsUser PageFeedback