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Revision as of 10:18, 3 February 2010 by Chris (Talk) (Grammar/spelling)

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You can't spell Fearns without fear, unless you attend the school. A proud rivalry exists between BRGS and Fearns, summed up by the message left on one of the stone globes adorning the steps of the courts:

"I hate u gramma school".

In fact, the rivalry was started due to a football match between Fearns and BRGS.

Known for their very stupid pupils, as shown by the appalling work on their walls. This is the general view, however, it has been known to provide some of the finest students in the BRGS 6th Form.

BRGS has also been known to play various chess matches against Fearns children.


It is true that snowball fights may have occurred between BRGS and Fearns. it is said that if a single snowflake falls within a 3 mile radius of the school, all pupils are sent home immediately, and for Fearns, "home" is "BRGS" so they can pelt us with snowballs. teachers at BRGS are strongly against snowball fights between pupils, however, Mr Vincent once joined in with a snowball fight, and helped BRGS repel the pupils of Fearns. This is strong evidence to suggest the rivalry has spread to the teachers as well as pupils.