Waterfoot Primary
Waterfoot Primary School is located near BRGS in Waterfoot and is soon to move to a new facility near the new Astroturf (see Top Field). Vehicle access to the new school will be via a new entrance on Wolfenden Green while pedestrians will be encouraged to use Glen Road - new footpaths are being laid at the time of writing this which will reduce vehicle movement near to the sixth form entrance. Once the new Performing Arts theatre has been built adjacent to the Clarke building the school will have a completely new look. The new school is most likely going to make the traffic situation around BRGS even worse... Just think for a moment, 2000 people descending into a hub designed for about 380... "I predict a riot" in the new what may become BRGSopolis... at least until the new car park and bus terminal are built on Millar Barn Lane...
The Old Building
The school is hoping that they will be able to use the building where the primary school currently is or incorporate it into BRGS though the question is how people in years 7 - 11 will get to it as they are not allowed out of the grounds until the end of the day...maybe teleportation?? The problem could be passed to certain Electronics Club members to solve because no one else on earth posseses the brains to come up with a sensible solution?? Perhaps it will be for sixth formers only?? Apparently, some staff are hoping their departments will be moved to the school site such as Art and Music but nothing has been decided yet as far as we know.