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Rossendale, a scenic linear settlement nestled in the Pennines North of Manchester, is best known for the Coconutters, Black puddings (the world famous market for black puddings is in Bury, however Rossendale has the award winning black pudding factory) and shoes. It is quite commonly regarded as a boring place to live due to the lack of, well anything. The nightlife hotspot at the moment seems to be Rawtenstall, a local town, with the 'Rhythm Station', the Qube club which hosts the under 18 night every Friday and a brand new 24 hour ASDA. Bacup is the town locally known as the one you don't walk through alone at night, and which has more pubs and alcohol shops than anything else. Waterfoot, however does seem quite nice...

Rossendale has good transport links with Manchester so at least you can escape the Royston Vaseyesque every so often... Incidentally, the cast of 'The League of Gentlemen' did do a lot of filming around Bacup in the past. Talking of filming, the 'Swan Hotel' in Bacup was used to film scenes for the britflick "My Summer of Love" and somewhere nearby was nearly used to film some of Charlie and the Chocolate factory but it wasn't "surreal enough" according to Tim Burton- yeah, you try living here before you decide how surreal it is.

Our local MP is the lovely Janet Anderson who was caught out at the last general election for not reading her own manifesto and has one of the biggest petrol useages in the country despite M.P for transport and regularly campaigning for eco vehicles.Her carbon footprint is alledged to be the same as a small private jet.