Mr Whyte

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Mr Whyte is an unsung hero. The soundest teacher in the school, you can always count on him to not tell you about your uniform and to always let you out of the canteen with hot food. Also, he is one of the few teachers that talk to you as another individual rather than a bit of crap.

You would think that all of these factors automatically made him a poor teacher - but this is not so... Swearing at students is funny as.

He also spontaneously 'fainted' during a year 12 RS lesson, because no one knew what Charles Darwin's book was called.

He's pretty fly for a Whyte guy!

He once made Mr Fitton come and appologise for some of his students being late.Thats one cool guy.


  • "Touch anyone with that and ill touch you up the bum." (several members of 9N were brandishing rolls of paper)
  • (later in the same lesson)"Right, bend over"
  • Joke to Year 11 - "There's 4 types of orgasm - the positive orgasm: 'OH YES, YES', the negative

orgasm: 'OH NO, NO', the holy orgasm: 'OH GOD YES, YES' and finally the fake orgasm: 'OH GREG, GREG'" (Referring to Greg Rothwell who still to this day vows to get even with him for this)

  • "Right come on you lot stop pissing about"

(when we had him for maths lesson) >> Sir:i just dont get most of maths, its all just silly, you dont even need to know much of it, religious studies on the other hand... Student: yeah but, why do we need to know about religion anyway sir?

  • "Ok adam your either looking at kevins phone or your really interested in his cock" (said in a surprisingly harsh tone)
  • On the topic of things children should of learned by the age of 10, after spending a few minute to get everyone to shut up

Shane Booth:How to wipe thier own butts Mr Whyte: I spent a minute of time to hear THAT?

  • In a Year 7 R.S Class reading the Bible Genisis Chapter 2: Adam And Eve Were Naked and they were both proud... Mr Whyte :"Now this is where it gets exciting!" (Class Laughs)


If wound up to being really angry he often swears at the whole class in rage.

Other times he will just swear for the fun of it or on ocassions that he thinks suit it.