Mr Overend

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  • Possibly the greatest man the world has ever known. That is all.
  • We came to the conclusion the 'P' in his initials 'SPO' stood for Poraig.


"Ok Ok I'm not here I'm on Mars"

"Right I've made a mental note of who's here" (everyone marked present even if absent)

"Right... All here" (to room with three people)

(Before tutorial) "You're leaving are you? No. Sit down, we're doing something this week. Oh....erm... off you go"

"You're on a beach with the sun beating down. Not too hot, mind. Just nice and comfortable."

"Hmm... yes... right... OK..."

"Bone away now." (Strange mispronunciation of 'phone')

Student: "Sir, say something funny!"

Mr Overend: (With chav-esque 'innit' hand gesture) "Ho ho ho! sick, man!"

"OK, Susan... are those the words of Harper Lee? I think not."

Talking of taboo language: "Fuck is no more a swear-word than, say, chair." Then added, "it's just how we associate words with certain things." [and, to be honest, many people would agree with him]

(walking out doors of room 10) EDDIE! (wordlessly walks back in)

To horrified pupil after getting a bit too into one of his lessons: Oh I'm sorry...I appear to spitting all over you!

"Take it eeeeeesay!"

SHOUTS: "You will not make me mad!" (Whilst staring, with a vein popping out of his head, and counting to ten)