Mr Halliwell

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Likes to leave his fly open on friday afternoons, likes to shout at us til we're quiet to run atound after wasps called Fred and Ted, likes to say, 'HELLO SIR' in a dramatically VERY pervy voice, likes to pick students via the 'Ip Dip Do YOU' method. Will not sleep till everyone in 07n is expelled as he likes to use room 64 without their bags getting in the way. (Form room 64) Has a tendency to blame Lewis Wood for the mess made in the maths classrooms. Always has a flask full of coffee from the sixth form canteen. Blames EVERYTHING on whatever form is using 64 as their form room, currently 9B. Once amused himself during quite a hard test by annoying the pupils of 9B/G by clicking his pen constantly during the test, talking to them, squeaking his chair and sending messages to people over bluetooth.


  • Pupil: Are you 25 sir? Sir: You think i'm 25? You can have a merit for that!
  • sir: if you dont shut up now i will stab you in the face with this pencil.
  • i don't care. as long as i get paid... i dont care.
  • Shut up or come to room 22 at 12:30
  • Hey big mouth, shut up.
  • Its because im a man, and i can only do one thing at a time. so shut up, and listen.
  • Sir: *Leans over desk* Put that away.

Pupil: What is it sir??? Sir: A phone. Well, I hope its a phonee....

  • When i was younger, none ever showed me how to work it properly. i ended up just sitting and fiddling with it all day until it worked.