Caption Competition

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Wiki Caption Competition

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"I once had a near death experience. Never again..." - John Holland

"Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones let themselves go before the filming of Men In Black III."- Nick

"Low budget chromakeying experiment goes horribly wrong." - 00:08, 5 July 2006 (GMT Standard Time)

"Who removed Gary Lineker?" - AKIF, glad to have the picture changed

"Wake up Mr Freeman. Wake up, and smell the ashes.." - Chris (A HL2 reference there for you)

[to random year 7] "I'm pleased to introduce you to your buddys" Stevens

How to Play

Look at the photo, and try to produce a fitting title for it, then write it in the space above with your name, so if we ever decide to give a prize, we can find you. You get extra "marks" if you write your caption in a special poetic form, such as in 17 syllables as a haiku, or as a sonnet, for instance. : ) Happy captioning!

Archive Editions

#1 Janet and Akif

  • "He looks like that every time (insert fit girl's name here) walks in the room...ah, teenagers in love :P" - Alex
  • "I swear to God, Akif, that'd better be your hand on the back of my head."- Nick
  • "Wow, have you heard what this girl can do? It's like a real life fart-button!" - (anon.)
  • "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all steamed up then I shout. Tip me over and pour me out." -
  • "Look ma, no hands!" - Elliot
  • "Good Lord, check this out guys. I swear that's not natural!" - Milord
  • "YES YES!!!! IN THE HEAD!!!" - Me