The Protein Shakes

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The protein shakes is a game invented by Eve White,Rebecca Dawson,Micah Youngand Rebecca Allcock. on the 2006 yr 7 trip to Paris.What you do is put as much food as you can get your hands on into a cup. Then everybody who is playing takes a straw and akes a sip. The person who drinks the most is the winner.These protein drinks got steadily more disgusting as the holiday went on. We made 3 in total. here are the details:

  • The first one:

This one was quite tame by our standards. It contained: Yoghurt, Spaggheti, tuna, coke, chesse and (after we'd given up) Micah's spit. This one was OK. Micah won it. We left it for some lucky waitress to find.

  • The vegetarian one:

We decided that vegetarians should be able to play the game so we made this one. It contained: Lettuce, bread, orange juice, cucumber, tomatoes and pepper. This one was fairly manky so we gave it to the 8R boys (then 7R boys) and they (no offence) stupidly drunk it. We were considering giving it to Mrs Kennedy but we decided not o as we were in calis and we thought she might leave us there.

  • The final one:

This was by far the most disgusting one by far. Only two people even got past the first round. (Eve and Joe Holdsworth-Miller)(what a sweet way to get a conversation going. "Hey Joseph, wanna drink this drink that looks like sick?" "Sure Eve.") It contained: Milk, sugar, pepper, salt, chip, fanta, coke, chicken nugget, apple flavoured water, pepsi and many other things that I can't remember. I think me and Joseph tied on that one. It looked like somebodyhad been sick in it. And all bits of... eww too horible to think about.