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Latest revision as of 17:40, 13 December 2006

Legendary dance created in a Upper Sixth lesson with Miss Bowden that shows the cyclic structure of the benzene molecule. Some more risque version have since been created that illustrate the electrophilic substitution reaction with a nitronium ion, however, the main point of these is to make the performer look like a complete idiot.


The dance is quite simple. The first motion made using both arms straight ahead and them twisting them upwards and together so that the tip of the fingers form a bridge between them. With the seond motion, the bridge is retracted in favour of a more vertical positioning of the arms post-elbow. the final movement is a sudden jerk of the forearm in a downwards motion so that a 'V' shape is made from your arms.


Do not attempt the Benzene Dance in public; you will look like a moron.