Form Captain

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The infamous job that nobody wants. Whether it be the responsibility, attending meetings or missing lunchtimes, nobody seems to want to be Form Captain (apart from Year 7s who think it is an achievement). Usually teachers have to resortto picking people at random to be nominated. Keep your hands low as a teacher may consider a scratch of the head as a raised hand. Once there are at least two nominees, they have to leave the room while the rest of the form submit ballots. The First Past The Post system is used rather than Alternative Vote (which is ashame). Beware that forms have been known to vote for the nominee who least wants to be Form Captain.

Some teachers completely forget about deciding on a Form Captain and Form Vice Captain altogether, but some just can't be bothered. Form Captains usually only have to attend meetings once or twice a year. No-one is suppost to be form captain more than once, but some form tutors just throw away the rule book if the only person who wants to be Form Captain has already been one before.