Felix Mulderrig

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In order to explain felix fully we need to explore not who he is, but what he represents. He is the soul founder of the "felix for kids fund" and also is the largest contributor to the "no kicking dogs in the street unless they deserve it" trust. Starting year 11 in 2006 he has built up a reputation of being immensly wise and needs next to no encouragement to share his wise ways with his friends. He is currently in a long term relationship with fellow student Charlotte Hobson who, apparantly, regularly beats him with glass bottles about the face and lowers his self confidence by telling him he is someone elses reject.

Political ties

In his time Felix has been accused of being a communist and a fascist as of his belief that Stalin and Hitler had good moustaches for baddies, but so far he has not been able to comment on these claims.


A great many hats have found their way upon Felix's head as time has gone and he has had a different opinion on each. His favourite to the day remains the old English top hat as it takes him back to the days when Mr. Ventress was socially acceptable.


He has 2 feet


  • You flaming gay
  • Your face is
  • Marry me and I'll never look at another horse
  • At least I'm not gay
  • Hooly-hoop (The civilised way to pronounce hoola-hoop)