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Revision as of 20:36, 15 December 2006 by Jonathan Parton (Talk) (removing 'states of matter' - it's not a lie told you. it's not even a lie.)

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During lower school, students are exposed to many "facts" that are later discovered to be "lies". Below is a list of the most shocking.

  1. Physics
    1. There are 3 states of matter; Solid, Liquid and Gas. (Year 1-12)
    2. There are 4 states of matter; Solid, Liquid Crystal, Liquid and Gas. (Year 13)
    3. Light can't bend round corners. (Well, technically true - but it can deffract, which is almost bending)
    4. This mock is easier than the last one. (It never is)
    5. We know what we're doing. (They don't)
  1. Chemistry
    1. Electrons are ... (Years 7-9)
    2. Electrons are arranged in shells of 2,8,8,16 (Years 10 and 11)