Emily Oldfield
From BRGS Wiki
Is in 9S the shittiest form ever. Little more needs to be said (you already know how retarded I am)! And if any of this stuff gets crossed out some amazing, super-smart person from G did it.
Best friends:
- jed!!!
- Lauren!!!
- Ellie!!!
- Afnan!!!
- Jordan!!!
And they're only to start with.. ;-P
- "S are a reject form (9S) - who likes S anyway? No one! HA im like so dumb."
- "Like this!" Proceeds with a number of hand gestures and strange waves until someone actually makes a guess.. and gets it wrong.
- "Clever."
- " I hate you, but I love you really,"
- Emily: After jed had been repeating 'so is your face' to everything I said "This is getting scary.."
Jed: "So is your face!!!" Emily: "OMG I'm like so stupid!!!!" *small fight breaks out in the middle of the road.*
- Emily: "Ben.."
- Ben: *pretends to puke in Emily's face*
- Emily: *WHACK*
- "Gizza hug!!"
- "woot woot, whoop whoop etc"
- "Lets go jump on the Jamie Oliver Bandwagon!!" *looks of distress/horror from the rest of class* "OMG joke!!!"
- Emily buys randomer a card:
Randomer: "You didn't have to!" Emily "I know."
- Emilys buys Ellie an evil japanese voodo doll for christmas:
Emily: (asks doll) Is jed ugly? Doll: SHAKE SHAKE Jed: Is Emily the ugliest person in the world? Doll: NOD NOD Emily: DAMN!!!