Dominic Taylor

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Dom Taylor

Dominic J. Taylor is an original raver. Son of the well known DJ, Paul Taylor, he is often found on the last saturday of every month producing looks of amazement, his hands in the air, with his feet at obscure angles and generally raving at fusion to his father's funky tunes. Dom enjoys playing bass, raving and the odd bit of full frontal male sex/groping of bollocks.


Dom attended St. Theodores RC High school. This is believed to be the direct reason of why he enjoys so much male attention. Here he worked his HUGE bollocks off and acquired some decent grades, decent enough to gain entry into the BRGS 6th Form, along with fellow homosexuals, John Waller, Farmer and Tom Marsh. it is here where he formed strong friendships initially with Edward Bishop, and then with the rest of the Waterfoot Luncheon Society.

Original Ravers

This is a group dedicated to the celebration of house music that is retro. Dom organises a guest list in which people pay half the price to get in. As word of this ability of Dom, popularity amongst the girls has soared. The ravers club includes the likes of Sophie Pickup, Amy Bemmant (Dom's favourite lady), Vicky shaw and Stacey Bemmant. However the originals were as follows:- -Dom Taylor -John Waller -Farmer -Sam Stevens -Amaad Arshad -Lewis Gray -Edward Cittanova -Becky Burns -Rachel Holt



-"Aww gawd"

-"Know your role!"


