Victoria Morrision

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Vicky Morrison is a geek with an obsessive personality. She never finishes anything she starts, because she has become obsessed with something else before she has time to finish it. She will, however, argue any point until she wins the argument, even if she knows she is wrong. She is summed up quite well in this quote from her stepmum (whilst talking to her dad):

I know she's really clever and that Kev, but she hasn't got an ounce of common sense.

Pre-BRGS Life

Vicky was born on Friday 13th of August 1993, at Fairfield Hospital, Bury. She grew up in Heywood, which was nice when her Mum moved there, but had long since become full of chavs by the time she was born.

Her first primary school was Harwood Park, which was huge and had two halls which were both easily bigger than the hall at BRGS. It was fun for the first few years, but then the headmaster left and a rubbish headmistress called Mrs Pickle came along. Her hand actions and patronising tone probably gave birth to Vicky's life-long hatred of anything slightly patronising and her will to be independent.

In Year 6, Vicky moved to Helmshore with her Mum, brother and stepdad. She went to Helmshore Primary, where she learnt the true meaning of patronising. She also learnt that being in Year 6 does not make you above everyone. There will always be annoying Year 5s.