User talk:Rebecca Marshall

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Hello admins and all this is Rebecca's dad Mr Marshall here with a friewndly wartning. What Rebecca put on Ale'x site was a comment that is known to you and tyhe rest of the class in 09s and was meant as humour not offensvie.

Next to William and Alan and all onm this site Rebecca as been on this iste and her vomments are not offensive or threatening. It is a satorical site and the humour here is not bullying as admins do not threaten my daughter for something she as clearly notm done. If you are seen to be bullying her or anyone on this site i will contact the school myself with complaints ok. You are in a postio9n to administate not dictate they are two diffent things learn about them ok.

She has been told by meyself noit to be insulting and i monitor her use as well as checking on what others say and iread the comments she made is uggest if anyone as a problem with them you see her on tuesday but if you bully her on this site i will become involved.

I am using this frum and not contacting the school so please take this in the right spirit it is my observation on the event and i will not come on again ok.

Ohterwise a very good site full of humour.

Ps The comments about Fearns from my perspective are funny but if you expect that they don't share simliar view about BRGS which have festerwed for over 30 years trust me you are mistaken.