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Secretary of the (now defunct) Upper Sixth Form Committee, Stuart's job has increased exponentially since joining the Committee as "Joint Secretary" with Gary Rutters. By Christmas, however, Stuart had superseded Gary and become the sole Secretary. By the time that things started to get interesting for the Committee (around April) Stuart was not only Secretary but Returning Officer.

Stuart is now a Nursing student on a 4 year Masters degree. Unlike many of his contemporaries who also believe thay are on a Masters degree Stuart is on the ONLY ONE IN THE COUNTRY so therefore everyone should dohis course in Nottingham.

What did he do?? Sit there and write??

As Secretary, or as suggested by Akif, "Scribe" Stuart's main job was to minute the meetings of the Committee. However, as is now thought, there was little point in him doing this, as no one except the chair ever got to see them... It is rumoured however, that Stuart still has maintained the file of minutes on his computer.

Secondary to that Stuart also counted the votes taken in Tuesday morning Assemblies and reported these to the Committee.

Threatening Behaviour

Around May, Stuart began to notice that many students were complaining about the votes, and upon hearing this comment:

"The Committee doesn't follow the vote anyway."

Threatened the person (who shall remain unnamed) with a punishment of recounting every vote ever counted by the Secretary and finding the necessecary reference to the Committee's action in the minutes. Needless to say the unnamed person backed down at this point, and the issue was not raised again (at least not within the Secretary's hearing)

Tom's Quotes: The Very Best Of.

Probably the only interesting or amusing thing to be issued by the Secretary was a compilation of the minutes, comprising the funniest things said in the meetings by the most humorous and outspoken Committee member: Thomas Raveglia.

These will hopefully soon be available, or maybe they are already available here (somewhere), and if not are available on-demand from the Secretary.