Sarah Flook

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Revision as of 15:04, 2 December 2006 by Kronos (Talk) (removing slang rubbish)

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This article has been levelled in response to the unsightly nature of its content. To get some goddamn factual accuracy in, as is a Wiki's wont, Sarah Flook is sister to Mary Flook and Richard Flook, past and present BRGS students respectively. Humph.

Sarah is said to be one of the quietest in the form but to those who know her well she is a true chatterbox but can be easily be distracted when being talked to!

Well, well, well what to say bout Sarah, other than the fact we all no she has gained an admire on here, and to many people it is said she is up to no good with this person...anyway back to the point. Sarah is brilliant, a proper laugh and a proper mate, she is so nice! If people actually took notice they would tell when she is annoyed, but as if people can be bothered! Sarah is one of the coolest people in N, although extremely silly, trust me!

Sarah's an ace friend but can be easily get annoyed by certain chants.