Top Field
The Top Field was the last remaining grassy area at BRGS, before construction began for the new astroturf and primary school. It was reached after a long and arduous trek up Glen Road.
Used in the summer (and let's face it, it was too damp at any other time), it hosted such disciplines as the 80m-steeply-uphill sprint, the 317m track event, cross-country running, the long jump and an introduction to Rugby.
It was also pressed into service for events such as the Teachers Sports Day, and in 2004 hosted the whole-school photograph.
The field is being built on (or at least encroached on) by the building of the new astroturf and Water-fold (Clough-foot?) Super Primary School, which with around 500 students, and hence 500 school mums dropping them off, will have absolutely no effect on the parking situation in Waterfoot whatsoever....