Philip Marsh

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Phil is a legendary character and is mad as anything. He has an annnoying fetish for whistling and he seems to get fun from taking fellow students possesions. This particularly irritates Arshad Ahad and Charlie Hoyland.


  • f*** A doodledoo!
  • f*** on a stick!
  • Its a monkey!

Favourite Things

  • His good old rammy stick (a twig picked up from the streets of Ramsbottom)
  • Whistling whilst dancing in chemistry classes
  • Touching Jordan (as quoted by miss hartley) during chemistry.
  • Mad Skillz on the football pitch
  • Rammy United (obviously)
  • Laughing at the Husbuster
  • Acting Romeo and Juliet with Capuhed and Montahed
  • Pointlessly making songs about hassan up during lessons.
  • Breaking noses