Mrs Wright

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Mrs Wright is an Art teacher who covered for the art department between Mrs Hollick's departure and Miss Flint's arrival. When it was annouced by Mr Morris in the last assembly of the school year that she was leaving, there was in fact a cheer, which hinted that not many pupils liked her. She also seemed to like the artist William Turner asking form 7N (now 9N for their form see 8N) every lesson if they knew who he was.


"Have you heard of the artist Turner?"

"Now, have I shown you this before?"


one art lesson, people were banging on the table and mrs wright (mrs wrong) said. "right! if you cant restrain yourselves put your hands on your heads!" so slowly... one by one everyone put their hands on their heads... until mrs wrong got so infuriated so she sent us all out. so we all marched out with our hands on our heads and when we were allowed back in matthew lewis (9N see [(8N)] leaned on his hand and got a lunchtime detention!

One day becky finley, siddy sheikh and izzie griffiths went up to miss and said.. "miss we like your cardigan" (which by the way was DISGUSTING!) to which she replied "oh thankyou, i just throw it on in the morning... its actually a mans cardigan you know..." the girls ran off laughing

One lunch detention legendary mrs wrong made us all sit on seperate tables and write an essay... little did she know that sidra sheikh was writing very rude things in hers... (sidra was obviously a favourite of miss's!) when siddy went to hand in her essay mrs wring "read" it and then threw it in the bin sayin she could leave!