Mohammed Khalid

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Mohammed Khalid is one of BRGS's followers (No literally he IS) and gets awfully close to Ryan in the popularity section. Referred to universally as "Mo", he is well known for the suits that he wears, using the "saying" dress '2' impress. But it all falls when you look down to see that he wears his old school shoes! When you walk past him he gives you the Khalid flick handshake, and is known to frequently shout out random answers to questions, based on scraps of knowledge from lower down the school that randomly enter his head and he associates with the topic in question. Such answers are uttered without hesitation or consideration as to whether what he's saying makes sense, or is even plausible. He also earned the nickname of "thermostat", when not a Computing lesson went by without him complaining of being too hot/cold (generally the opposite to the rest of the class) and insisting on meddling with the air con unit to provide his desired temperature. He doesn't like gays.


Mr Archer: "Why does inhaling helium make one's voice sound strange?"
Mo: "wazzzzaa"
Mr Archer: "What?"
Mo: "I love cheese!"