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Often described as a "small (cramped), working (no books) library", this is the place where every geek, goon or potential victim of bullying goes. A safe haven away from the rest of the normal pupils. Mostly filled by year 8 and 9's but isn't rare to see a worrying year 10 in there. It is often left to spectate on the affairs of the rest of the school. Until recently it was believed to contain books, however, contary to popular belief it is merely a store cuppoard (the books were burnt by teachers trying to keep warm in the Staffroom). Nobody ever noticed.

Sixth formers are often left in the cold half-way through doing work when told "Please can you leave the library, a library lesson is taking place here."


Of an even poorer standard is the Haslingden High School library, where pupils are instructed in 'Advanced Race Rioting' so dont have time for trivial things like reading.