Josie Ansell

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Josie Ansell- typical blonde.

Josie is a year 9 student who often acts like she's high on sugar. She enjoys teasing her Y7 sister and her friends, and Rachel Bond's brother whom she says is 'sexay' as a joke and enjoys "sexually" harassing if you'd call it that. She says a lot of things randomly and without thinking so it's very hard to take her seriously at times. She can also say things for no reason at all without meaning for them to have meaning so can accidentally say some pretty silly and unlikely things; you can find many of these things quoted on this very wiki-page. Her, being blonde an all, managed to end up in a head's detention, because she threw water over somebody!!!!!


"HIV?? Hey Rachel, isn't that where you buy your CDs?"

[standing next to Rachel's brother] "Your brother is sooooooooooooo sexay!!!"

"What's denial?"

"Wob wob wob"

"Everyone's disappearing!!"

"The Queen has grandkids??? But she's only 30!!"

"What's a verb? An adjective is a doing word, right?"

"What's (insert random word here)?"

"I am the pigeon queen!!"

"That's not what you said last night!!"

Quoted Short Conversations

[A friend of Josie's is running]

Josie: "Where you going?"

Friend: "To the toilets."

Josie: "Why?"

Friend: "To get a plaster."

Josie: "Why?"

Friend: "Because I'm bleeding."

Josie: "Where?" [looking confused]

[Friend gives hinting look to Josie]

Josie: "Oh oh, right sorry."

(Josie says something very dumb)

Rachel: "You are a dumb blonde."

Josie: "I'm not blo... oh wait. Yes I am."

Josie: "So what IS a slag?????

Friend: "A girl who has sex with many people.

Josie: "Lucky girl."