Help:Editorial guidelines

From BRGS Wiki
Revision as of 22:09, 19 October 2006 by Chris (Talk)

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We, the Moderators, have proposed some new guidelines on creating and editing pages:

  • Please ensure you have something useful to write before creating or editing a page on the site. That way it saves others from spending time re-editing these pages.
  • We don't expect everyone to write a 10,000 word essay when creating a page, so don't worry if it's a bit sparse to start with. However, something more substantial than "Person A is orange" / "Person B is fit" will ensure the page is still there when you go back to add to it!
  • Anyone posting derogatory or blatantly insulting comments will be banned for one day, as a fair warning. Repeated offenders will be hit with an infinite ban, though we doubt we will need to use this!
  • These changes have been brought about by the large amount of time we have to spend clearing up the vandalism of an extremely small minority. The 99.9% of people who use this site constructively have nothing to fear, and we thank you for your time and enthusiasm in making this site a success!

Proposed Guidelines


Basically, please keep this site clean, useful, and enjoy using it! We hope it continues to grow, but it will only do this if people are willing to put their time into creating an informative, concise, and above all funny database.

Basic Editorial Guidelines
  • Spelling and grammar should be checked before posting - it looks much more professional that way! Any grammatical mistakes are now underlined in red when you are editing, please take the time to go back and alter them!
  • Language must be clean or partially asterisked out for quotes.
  • All articles must not be offensive to an individual, or group of individuals at BRGS. Keep it polite and light hearted! Poking fun at people is great, but know where to draw the line. Blatant offensiveness, or just 'slagging off' someone will be removed.
  • When writing about another person, avoid insults and make sure what you're writing about them is true, or note/imply that it's fictional. Also, make the content relevant! Quotes, anecdotes, mishaps, all are great, but "in-jokes" that only two or three people find funny are pretty dull to everyone else who reads this.
  • Quotes are regarded liberally, so exact word-for-word isn't needed, but they need to have actually said it. Stories should be in their own sections.
  • Images must not be from copyrighted sources and must be suitable for a wide audience (age 11 to 100). Where possible, use thumbnails on content pages.
Extended Information
  • If you want to link to a page, please make sure the link is spelled correctly, with the correct capitals and punctuation. The first letter is not case sensitive, but the rest is, e.g. "technology" is the same as "Technology", but "Sports Hall" and "Sports hall" are different.
  • Avoid external links to internal pages.
  • Please correct any spelling or grammar problems you come across if you have time.