Will Jessop

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The Real William Jessop

William is known to "poke" Mitchell Terry, Chris Barratt and Oliver Doyle-Nicholls, he also seems to follow oli chris and lordy around. Little does he know that every time he does this, they get p***ed off with will more and more. Will also used to give Mitchell Terry Swot knots, but whenever Mitchell attempted to give him one back, William Jessop would become enraged!


William currently holds the record in the school for being the youngest person to have a moustache (at 11 years and 316 days). This information has been sent to Guinness World Records, however they claim that they will not be putting in the book, as it is "nothing to be proud of". He once tried to shave it of and cut himself.

High school Quotes

"What the HELL!!!

"POKE"(while proding people annoyingly)

"Shut up you di**... ...head!"

"Voomm"(with middle finger pulled out of pocket)

"Cough."(in speech)

"What was that for"

"Oh, you complete and utter..." (Usually followed by a word which he does not know the meaning of. There are many.)

The (Possibly Endless) List Of Things Will Has Broken

Through sheer unluckiness, Will has managed to break or pop an incredible number of things. These include:

- Elliot Rhodes's tie

- Oliver Doyle-Nicholls shirt

- Glass in door outside Room 89

- Tubes in room 61

- Light covering in Room 31

- Popped balloon against projector (at first touch)

- Ceiling tile with football

Please note:

Stop editing my page, you B******!!