Will Jessop

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The Real William Jessop

William is known to "poke" Mitchell Terry and Oliver Doyle-Nicholas, Little does he know that every time he does this, they get p***ed off with will more and more. Will also used to give Mitchell Terry Swot nots, but whenever Mitchell attempted to give him one back, William Jessop would become raged!


William currently holds the record in the school for being the youngest person to have a moustache.

Old School Quotes

"Nipe Nipe, im a birdy, i wear a turban."


New school Quotes

"What the HELL!!!

"POKE"(while proding people annoyingly)

"Shut up you di**... ...head!"

"Voomm"(with middle finger pulled out of pocket)

"Cough."(in speech)

Favourite quotes about will

Some say his urine is glow in the dark??? Others say he thinks hes a vampire??? All we know is.. his name is Will